Thursday, November 13, 2014

Samhain: Pumpkin Ovendish with Cheddar

As promised I am posting another Samhain recipe this week, because I didn't want to post 2 in a row. We picked this dish because we love oven dishes and it looked like a very comforting dish. Which of course is perfect for this time of year. It is a bit like a mashpot with a twist. The original recipe comes from Veggie Variation.

Pumpkin Ovendish with Cheddar (serves 4)
- 1 pumpkin or butternut squash
- 800 gr potatoes
- 2 red bell peppers
- 3 spring onions
- 150 gr cheddar
- bit of butter
- pepper and nutmeg

Cut the spring onions in rings and the bell pepper in cubes. Peel and cube the potatoes. Clean and cube the pumpkin as well. Bring water to a boil and leave the potatoes to cook for 10 minutes. Then add the pumpkin and cook them for 5 more minutes together until they are both done. Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees. Drain the pumpkin and potatoes and  mash them together with a bit of butter, pepper and nutmeg. Scoop the bell pepper cubes through the mash. Scoop everything into an oven dish and top with the onion rings and lastly the cheddar. Place it in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the cheddar has melted.

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